Why an LLC is a Preferred Vehicle For Starting a Business

Must Know Tips

Have you thought about forming a Limited Liability Company (“LLC”)? Well, I’ve answered allyour questions below! Why an LLC vs. any other type of business? Unlike other business forms, LLCs provide liability protection, management flexibility, and tax advantages. What is an LLC? A Limited Liability Company is a business that is a separate entity from […]

Are you a coach who wants to foster a safe space inside your group coaching programs? Great, this blog is for you! 

How Do I Foster a Safe Space in My Group Coaching Program?

Must Know Tips, Service Based Business

What Does It Mean to “Buy a Business”?

Must Know Tips

Have you ever wondered what it means to buy a business? Now, the term “buy a business” can be a bit confusing. This is because you don’t really buy a business — you’re actually purchasing the assets and assuming certain liabilities associated with that existing business entity.

If you are a fellow podcast host, you may wonder: is my podcast a business? Whether you’re only considering launching a podcast for the first time or you have had a podcast for a while now, the answer is YES. 

Is Your Podcast a Business?

Must Know Tips

Giveaway Requirements You Should Know

Must Know Tips

In the spirit of the holidays, this blog tackles the three things you must include before launching your next Instagram giveaway.

Have you heard the term “Non-compete Agreement?” If you’ve been in an employee-employer relationship or industry, you may already have an idea about non-competes. But what exactly is a Non-compete Agreement?

Non-Compete are enforceable… for now

Must Know Tips, Service Based Business

Is There Going to Be Increased Legal Regulation In Coaching?

Must Know Tips, Service Based Business

This blog is inspired by a question that I was recently asked while teaching in someone’s group, “Will there be increased legal regulation in the coaching industry?”

It’s the time of the year again when people enjoy fun times and holiday parties. To help you get ready I am sharing a checklist to help employers minimize the legal risks presented by employer-sponsored holiday parties.

Tis the Holiday Party Season

Must Know Tips

Sophia Amoruso cites this as One of Her Most Expensive Mistakes

Intellectual Property, Must Know Tips

I’d like to begin this blog with an inspirational story from Sophia Amoruso, the founder of #Girlboss and Nasty Gal. Her story really resonates with me, and I’ve actually referenced it many times with my clients.

Ever encountered the term “Non-Disclosure Agreements?” Perhaps you’re wondering when you can use them for your business or what are the different types of Non-Disclosure Agreements.

Confidentiality: How Soon You Need It

Must Know Tips