How To Get An EIN For Free
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You can obtain an EIN on the spot from the Internal Revenue Service for FREE after you have formed your entity.
Do you need an EIN?
The primary businesses that require an EIN are:
• All Corporations
• Limited Liability Companies with more than one member
• All businesses with employees, including sole proprietorships and LLCs with one member
• Any business when the owner has a Keogh (retirement) plan.
• Any business that files Employment, Excise, or Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms tax returns.
What is an EIN?
A nine-digit number (for example, 12-3456789) assigned entities for tax filing and reporting purposes. An EIN is
for use only in connection with a taxpayer’s business activities. It is essentially a social security number for your
Why do I need an EIN?
An EIN is required for the following:
• To open a business bank account for your company
• For Federal and State tax purposes
• To hire employees for your company
How do I Apply for an EIN?
You can apply online, by fax or mail with Form SS-4. This simple form requires the following information:
• Legal name of the business and type of entity
• Trade name of the business, if different – this is that doing business as “DBA” you may be using
• Mailing address and street address (if these are different)
• County and State where the business owner is located
• Name of the “Responsible Party” (owner) and their SSN, ITIN or EIN
• Whether the company is an LLC and number of members
• Reason for applying
• Number of employees, if any
• Type of Business
Submit your application online at during IRS hours of
operation (Monday to Friday, 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time).
Sounds simple right? It is! Good luck!